Friday, March 03, 2006

Living other people's expectations

Society. norms. Culture. Tradition.Sometimes I resent these words so much. Because these things do SHAPE the expectations, perceptions, & way-of-thinking of certain close people of mine. I live and grow as a Chinese-Indonesian person, and the 'materialistic' parameter to how succesful your life is,..often is very contrasting of what I want life to be. Or, of how it seems that I must NOT say or do ANYthing that is considered 'breakaway' or unique from the Chinese family's tradition or expectations of the family. Call me a naive, idealistic person, but maybe it's all due to the 'rebellious' side of me (& my personality.
Btw, I'm an INFP person, according to the Myers-Briggs test. and yes, I DO feel like I am really an INFP! so I guess the tests are not bullshits after all (btw, I wonder, why is it so HARD for some people to believe that the tests are already used world-wide, and wouldnt be as bullshit as those horoscope reading?...or whatever other BS thing,...but definitely not this one!)) , who always seem to want to 'break-free' from all these culture BS & jargos, and expectations....and just do what I want, living my own life. Be a bird (wow, Beatles' song)

That makes me want to talk about the other people's expectations of you. I don't know, but what about you? Do you like to suite your life to follow other people (perhaps MANY)'s expectations?
Or can you be positive saying that you don't give sh*ts to other people's expectations,..including culture. I must say that I honestly do envy the latter-type of people, who can & have his/her own reason, way-of-life, and brave enough to stand up for him/herself and say NO to what people expect him/her to become of....I don't know,...but sadly, for me it's reallly hard to be able to do so (stand up firm for myself & my belief), because I've experienced a lot of things in life up 'till now that often,...really can make me sad, of why I am like I am right now. Like why I am such an unique person,..that my ideas are often getting rejected, laughed, mocked at,...because they often don't meet with the culture, tradition, & other people's 'standard' expectations, of how THEY think succesful life SHOULD be!I sometimes even get to the point....where I can just hate myself,...despite of all my 'talents', uniqueness way of thinking,...or whatever.....; because ALL of these often don't meet with MANY people's expectations,...of what and how Life should Be. I know that some friends do suggest me to stop caring about what other people think, & just live your life. But maybe I am too 'soft' to experience this kind of assertiveness, to lead my own life,...or maybe I'm just too naive & 'simple-minded' , or worse,...a dreamer.
As a result, often, the close people of mine are the ones who shape my way-of-life, my destiny, ..and my future, even a lot of times I am very disagree with what they think. Sure, maybe THEY think I'd be happy, when I follow them and living to what THEY think how my life should be,...but personally & honestly,..I don't think so.
I just hate it. But up 'till now, I'm still confused, don't know what to do :(#$@%!

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